15-11-2019 - 17-11-2019 / GODZ.14:00 - 15:00 / Pomeranian Dukes’ Castle


fot. Krzysztof Lachowicz, Beata Bogusławska



Protocol jury (ENG) 2019 – protocol, results



Pomeranian Meetings with Diaporama is a festival of a multidimensional picture closed between a single photography and a film. In 2019 takes place the 40th Jubilee edition of the event. The history of Polish diaporama is related to the activity of the Pomeranian Dukes’ Castle in Szczecin, making the institution and Szczecin the capital of Polish diaporama.

The Szczecin competition is one of the most important events of this type in the world. The meetings allow creators to confront works from various corners of the world. In addition to the main competition part, every year the program is enriched with projection of analogue and retro diaporamas, which contrast with modern art forms, as well as photographic plain air, and gala shows.

The eminent artists will lead panel meetings and discussions about the art of diaporama. The Jubilee edition of the event is accompanied by the exposition of photography from the FIAP collection.


We cordially invite you to participate in the Jubilee competition



the completion takes place in two categories:
– classic diaporama (interpenetrations do not contain movement elements)

– fotokast (permitted movement in interpenetrations, permitted film sequences)

Each author can submit together max. 3 works.
Participation in the competition is available to all associated and non-associated authors.

The requirement for participation is sending and application and diaporamas, which meet technical conditions § (§5 ust. 3, 4). By 15 October 2019
Diaporamas and applications (§5 ust. 4) should be send via „WeTransfer”

to the email address: dia@zamek.szczecin.pl

Participation in the competition is free of charge.

The details can be found in Regulations.


REGULATIONS (download):



Registration FIAP – download


We cordially invite you!



Agenda 40th Pomeranian Meetings with Diaporama

Castle Cinema hall


2 p.m. Open, pre-selection shows with participation of the jury

7 p.m. Inauguration of the XL Pomeranian Meetings with Diaporama

– inauguration of the photo exhibition – selected photos from FIAP salon

– launching of the publication concerning the history of the Pomeranian Meetings with Diaporama

East Hall

8 p.m. History of diaporama in a nutshell part 1.

– shows of the laureates of the previous editions of Pomeranian Meetings with Diaporama, evening of memories part 1 – the beginnings and analogue diaporama

-meetings with authors



3 p.m. shows of entries diaporamas

8 p.m. History of diaporama in a nutshell part 2.

– shows of the laureates of Pomeranian Meetings with Diaporama

– meetings with authors

– photographic plain air, Fotoklub Zamek



1 p.m. Gala XL Pommeranian Meetings with Diaporama

2 p.m. History of diaporama in a nutshell cz. 3

– discussion panel Diaporama in the future – opportunities and threats

– shows of the laureates of the previous editions of Pomeranian Meetings with Diaporama

3 p.m. Show of the works awarded during XL Pomeranian Meetings with DIaporama


Free entrance


The project Pomeranian Meetings with Diaporama is a competition organised by Pomeranian Dukes’ Castle in Szczecin according to the rules of FIAP (The International Federation of Photographic Art) no 2019/340 and Association of Authors Fotoclub of the Republic of Poland no 249/2019.

The event is co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage from the Cultural Promotion Fund and from financial resources of West Pomeranian Voivodeship.



Pomeranian Dukes’ Castle in Szczecin


Free entrance